For Good Sports Massage in Punggol
WhatsApp MonTouchSG: 9183 0277
What is Sports Massage?
Sports massage is a specialized form of bodywork designed to enhance sports performance and promote recovery. It combines various techniques tailored to the needs of athletes, whether they're training for a marathon, competing in a team sport, or engaging in recreational activities. While sports massage is often associated with athletes, its benefits extend far beyond the realm of competitive sports. This therapeutic technique can enhance the well-being of anyone, regardless of their activity level.
Why Sports Massage?
Reduces pain
Increases range of motion
Injury prevention
Improved performance (work and sports)
Results last longer
Why Choose MonTouch?
More than 10 years of experience
3 years in spa
>5 years as senior sports massage therapist and trainer in private physiotherapy group
Works closely with physiotherapists to be a part of patients' rehabilitation journey
Don't believe in treating pain with more pain. Tolerable is the keyword
Unlimited techniques and skills to customise to individual needs
No bullsh!t.
Over flowing empathy, TLC!
List of Conditions seen
Cervicogenic Headache
Neck - wry neck, stiffness, ache, degenerated discs
Shoulders - tension, frozen, less than normal range with tightness or pain, post operative
Upper limbs (arms) - Golfer's and Tennis Elbow, De Quervain Tenosynovitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Upper/midback - stiffness, soreness
Lower back - strained/pulled, slipped discs, spondylolisthesis, spondylosis, spinal fusion
Hips - tightness, soreness
Lower Limbs (legs) - ACL 3 month post op rehab, Runner's knee, ITB syndrome, Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), Plantar Fasciitis, ankle ligament repair post op rehab.
Others - Please enquire!
How much is the session?
Punggol: $100/hr
Clinic: from $200/hr
Housecall: $150/hr excl transport fee starting from $50
Public holidays +50%
Housecall after 6pm +30%
Sundays +30%
Any further enquires? WhatsApp me! 9183 0277
Check out some of the videos below I did in the past to clear some doubts!
Ref source: Core Concepts